Destiny Sober Living was founded by members of recovery who have experienced the power of sober living and want to pass that along to others.
“When I first got sober I was told that I never had to be alone again. I was also told this is a “We” program. Both have turned out to be true for me! Destiny Sober Living was born out of my desire to create a place where we are all able to walk together in encouragement, support, and accountability.
In the years I’ve been sober I’ve always had people who were willing to help me and walk with me as long as I’ve been willing to help myself. That’s what this program is about…. we will do anything we can to help others recover as long as they are willing to help themselves as well.”
– Schanda H. (Bachelor of Science in Substance Abuse Counseling)
This house and the men and women who live here mean the world to us, we only wish to see them succeed. Our goal is to give residents the absolute best chance and tools needed to succeed, in the long term.
“Sober living made the biggest difference in my recovery and was such a powerful experience, that I knew I had to do something. I have the pleasure and privilege of managing the houses, I am determined to keep our residents accountable & on the right track.
– Former Destiny House resident (S.D.)
Mission Statement
Our Mission at Destiny Sober Living is to provide an affordable, safe, sober living environment designed to encourage and support long term recovery from alcohol and drugs. We set high standards for our residents, and provide a structured environment where they can best learn the necessary “life skills” required for the successful transition to a healthy lifestyle. Here at Destiny Sober Living we are big believers that “we” can do together that which we are unable to do alone. All principles, standards, and recommendations in our housing have been born out of more than 25 years of personal experience in recovery. Our utmost goal is for individuals to lead peaceful, fulfilling, sober lives.